
Ever wanted to learn how to spin wool into yarn? I offer different ways to get started on your fiber arts journey.

  • Libraries are a great place to try something new. I offer classes as various libraries for all ages.

  • Looking to try spinning on your own time? Send me a message to start private lessons on my spinning wheels.

  • Looking to make new friends? Join us in Rutherford, NJ on the last Wednesday of every month. More details down below.

Upcoming Library Classes

Libraries are great ways to try a new skill for free! Check out the upcoming classes we have booked this year.

Looking for one-on-one classes?

Calling all beginner spinners! Always wanted to try spinning your own yarn but didn’t want to spend the money for the materials? Try spinning for yourself with a private lesson!

Fiber Arts Meet Up

I host a monthly Fiber Arts Meet Up in Rutherford, New Jersey. We meet on the last Wednesday of the month. Want to learn more? Visit the Williams Center website below for the details.